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Welcome to the public consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Development Framework for Holt Town.

This interactive website will guide you through Manchester City Council's vision to transform this part of East Manchester into a new mixed-use neighbourhood.

Holt Town is the area between the City Centre and Sport City and the Etihad Stadium. The Ashton Canal and the River Medlock run through the site. Today there remains a woodland presence at Holt Town and our vision is to build on this foundation. We want to regrow Holt Town like a woodland. A new town in the city.

Help us grow the Holt Town of tomorrow: We are keen to hear your views about the approach we have taken and invite you to give us your views at the end. You can also view the draft NDF in full at the end of this website.

The consultation will close on Sunday 29th September 2024.

info Look out for green highlighted hints like this. They will indicate interactive features on the map. In each section, you can zoom, pan and scroll across the map to explore it in more detail.

What happens next? Your feedback will inform the content of the final NDF.

Manchester City Council and the design team will review the Draft NDF. Feedback received from residents, landowners, statutory stakeholders and the business community will be considered. The final NDF will be considered for endorsement by the Manchester City Council Executive in the beginning of 2025.

Holt Town, Past and Present: from Factory Town to Woodland Town

Holt Town, Factory Town (1700s - 1940)
In the 1700s, Holt Town was established by David Holt as Manchester's first factory colony. It was pivotal to Manchester's industrial revolution. The products manufactured in its factories and mills were exported all over the globe.

info The map shows how Holt Town looked in 1888. Click on the map markers to view historic photographs of area.

Holt Town, Ghost Town (1940 - 1990)
Changing patterns in trade and investment caused decades of decline from the early 20th Century. People and businesses moved away from the area.

Holt Town, Frontier Town (1990 - 2020)
In recent decades, Holt Town has remained largely untouched by regeneration. There is an opportunity for Holt Town to be home to pioneering economic, social and cultural activity, and a mixed-use, residential-led neighbourhood.

Holt Town, Woodland Town (2020 onward)
Despite the decline, pockets of vegetation have reclaimed parts of the site. These pockets lay the foundation for a new concept, 'Woodland Town'.

Key features of Holt Town today

  1. Two distinct waterways, the Ashton Canal, and the River Medlock, come together at Ashton Canal Park.
  2. Historic mill buildings such as Brunswick Mill, Wellington Mill, Bridge 5 Mill, and Hope Mill line the Ashton Canal. These reflect the area’s industrial heritage. Some of these buildings have taken on a new life as hubs for creative and social enterprises and small businesses.
  3. Ecology: Pockets of vegetation have reclaimed parts of the area. This is the foundation for a new concept 'Woodland Town', that is at the heart of the approach to this NDF.
  4. Uses: Holt Town features a few homes alongside remnants of its industrial past. A variety of light industrial and warehousing businesses are all present.
  5. Holt Town consists largely of post-industrial, contaminated and under-used brownfield land. The area is currently under-invested and is at risk of anti-social behaviour. Our new plans seek to address these problems and provide long-term solutions.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
White camera icon on green background
Photographs of Holt Town

A vision to regrow the community like a woodland

A diagram shwoing the vision for Holt Town represented as woodland layers. This shows emergent at the top, canopy, understorey, ground and roots. The map shows the site boundary with points detailing the layers.

Our vision is to 'regrow the community like a woodland'. This is inspired by the idea of working around the pockets of nature that have reclaimed parts of the site.

We have identified five layers of place to regrow a neighbourhood at Holt Town. Our inspiration was the anatomy of a woodland, rooting and sustaining:

  1. Roots
  2. Ground
  3. Understorey
  4. Canopy
  5. Emergent

info Click on the map markers to read more about these five layers.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A red circle with a white one
Holt Town woodland layers

A new town in the city: Holt Town, Wood Town

Holt Town has the potential to be a pioneering mixed-use, residential-led neighbourhood. This will breathe new life into this part of East Manchester.

The draft framework suggests the new Holt Town could be a neighbourhood with 4,500 new homes. This aims to include 1,000 affordable homes.

info The map shows how Holt Town could look with the draft framework.

Alongside the diverse ecological setting of the Medlock Valley and the historic character of the Ashton Canal corridor, Holt Town can be a rooted, layered, and connected piece of Manchester. A new town in the city.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations

Land uses, housing and social infrastructure: Holt Town, Rooted Town

Holt Town could deliver a variety of uses. These could amplify the Area's established network of creative and social enterprises. Opportunities include the clustering of commercial and creative uses along the area we are calling the Ridge, along the southern edge of the canal. This would build upon the existing businesses along this edge.

info Drag the slider below to toggle between the ground floor and upper floor uses on the map.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A red circle containing a white star
Multi-use Mobility Hub
Indicative ground floor uses
A solid yellow square
Predominantly residential
A solid orange square
Predominantly mixed-use
A solid light blue square
Predominantly commercial
A solid dark red square
Predominantly cultural/community
A solid pink square
Predominantly leisure/recreation/health & well-being
Primary frontage
Indicative upper floor uses
A solid yellow square
Predominantly residential
A solid light blue square
Predominantly commercial
A solid dark red square
Predominantly cultural/community

Scale, density and built form: Holt Town, Layered Town

The framework proposes to deliver 4,500 homes at Holt Town. A variety of homes is paramount to the success of Holt Town. An inclusive and diverse neighbourhood includes low-rise townhouses and maisonettes to taller buildings.

The approach to scale and massing at Holt Town has been informed by an in-depth analysis of site constraints and considerations. These include thorough density and layout testing.

The following building typologies could be appropriate:

  • Mid to high-rise pavilion buildings
  • Townhouses
  • Maisonettes
  • Low to mid-rise courtyard blocks
  • Mid-rise apartment blocks
  • Landmark tower

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
Indicative maximum heights
Very dark blue solid square
Up to 35 storeys
Dark blue solid square
Up to 25 storeys
Slightly dark blue solid square
Up to 22 storeys
Blue solid square
Up to 18 storeys
Slightly pale blue solid square
Up to 15 storeys
Pale blue solid square
Up to 12 storeys
Very pale blue solid square
Up to 8 storeys
A pale/light grey square
Up to 5 storeys
A pink star icon
Opportunity for a landmark building

Movement and connections: Holt Town, Connected Town

Holt Town will be more accessible and connected to surrounding areas. There is potential for a compact and walkable street network that puts pedestrians first. This will help manage the heavy movement between the City Centre and Sport City and the Etihad Campus.

The area's proximity to the City Centre creates a potential for a low-car neighbourhood. Minimal on-street parking will promote sustainable travel and safer streets.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
An orange circle containing a white star
Multi-use Mobility Hub
Existing recreational links
Dotted orange line
City Link
Dotted blue line
Ashton Canal Towpath
Street hierarchy
Dark yellow solid square
Pedestrian play street (1km long)
Pale green solid square
Pedestrian green link
Dark red square
Primary vehicular route (with cycle infrastructure)
Brown square
Secondary vehicular route (with cycle infrastructure)
Beige square
Tertiary vehicular route

Public realm and ecology: Holt Town, Woodland Town

There is an opportunity to deliver new and enhanced public spaces at Holt Town. We would like to enhance the River Medlock and Ashton Canal corridors. The planting approach will create and restore natural ecosystems and habitats.

These habitats include meadows, woodlands, hedgerows, and wetlands. Connecting both with a high-quality network of landscaped streets will enable the movement of people and manage drainage.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
An orange circle containing a white star
Multi-use Mobility Hub
Existing recreational links
Dotted orange line
City Link
Dotted blue line
Ashton Canal Towpath
Key public realm and planting features
Dark yellow solid square
Pedestrian play street (1km long)
Pale teal solid square
Enhancement of canalside planting
Pale yellow solid square
Riverside Meadow
Bright green solid square
Riverside Woodland
Dark teal solid square
Wet Woodland Spines
Dark green solid square
Spinney / former Holt Town Reservoir
solid blue circle
Copse (enhancement of existing tree groupings)
green asterisk
yellow asterisk
New park / significant open space
blue asterisk
Canalside open space

Play and recreation: Holt Town, Play Town

Play is key to fostering a family-friendly and intergenerational public space at Holt Town. We propose to create a "Play Link"; a one kilometre long, car-free, pedestrian-friendly route along Lind Street. This could connect St Anne's Primary School and Park View Community School. It could complement links between the City Centre, Sport City and Etihad Campus, and neighbouring communities.

We imagine the transformation of Ashton Canal Park into the Confluence Park and Playground. The word "confluence" means a meeting point. The meeting point of the Medlock River and the Ashton Canal could be celebrated by a curated landscape. This could be the centrepiece of the neighbourhood. There is potential for an indoor sport and play venue spilling outdoors to offer a range of activities for all ages.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
An orange circle containing a white star
Multi-use Mobility Hub
Existing recreational links
Dotted orange line
City Link
Dotted blue line
Ashton Canal Towpath
Key public realm and planting features
Bright orange solid square
Pedestrian play street (1km long)
Pale teal solid square
Enhancement of canalside planting
Pale yellow solid square
Riverside Meadow
Bright green solid square
Riverside Woodland
Dark teal solid square
Wet Woodland Spines
Dark green solid square
Spinney / former Holt Town Reservoir
A blue circle
Copse (enhancement of existing tree groupings)
green asterisk
orange asterisk
Confluence Park
yellow asterisk
New park / significant open space
blue asterisk
Canalside open space

Water management: Holt Town, Sponge Town

Water can contribute meaningfully to positive ecological, health and wellbeing outcomes at Holt Town. The NDF promotes a 'Sponge Town' approach to promote innovative water management. This would mitigate flood risk, enhance the natural setting, and help urban areas adapt to climate change.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
Water management
Dark dashed blue line
Infiltration pit/trench (Sustainable Urban Drainage System/SuDS)
blue arrow
Swales (SuDS)
A blue pond
Attenuation pond
Several straight blue lines
Blue roofs (SuDS to manage rain water)

Stewardship and management: Holt Town, Steward Town

Good management and maintenance are key to the success of Holt Town. We are exploring creative and collaborative approaches to maintenance, which could ensure that the place retains its quality in the long-term.

info Click on the map markers to view potential stewards for Holt Town.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
green circle containing a white I
Potential Stewards

Smart infrastructure: Holt Town, Digital Town

There is an opportunity for Holt Town to be a digitally enabled neighbourhood. Residents and businesses could have access to technology to improve their quality of life and experiences.

Digital technology could help to monitor transport, energy, water collection, lighting, etc. It could help people engage with one another and with their environment in more interactive ways.

info Click on the map markers to find out how digital technology could enable an engaged neighbourhood.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
An orange circle containing a white solar pannel
Potential Digital Technology

Character areas: Holt Town, Diverse Town

Holt Town can be a new town in the city. Composed of five distinct sub-areas, each with their own character inspired by the site's levels, ecology, and built character.

The following sections explore these areas in more detail.

  1. The Plateau
  2. The Ridge
  3. The Terraces
  4. The Embankment
  5. The Valley

info Click on the map markers to view these areas.

Map Key

A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
NDF character areas
Translucent light blue square with dashed blue outline
The Plateau
Translucent orange square with dashed orange outline
The Ridge
Translucent yellow square with dashed yellow outline
The Terraces
Translucent pink square with dashed pink outline
The Embankment
Translucent green square with dashed green outline
The Valley

The Plateau

Alt Text for image

The Plateau forms the northern edge of the Area. It defines the transitional character of the strip of land nestled between Bradford Road and the Ashton Canal.

info Click on the map markers to view key features and to see the artist's sketches for this area.

It has the potential for a sequence of lower rise buildings. These would align with those in Miles Platting and nurture a harmonious townscape along Bradford Road.

Map Key

Translucent green square with dashed green outline
The Plateau area boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A 3D building block
Proposed layout including buildings to be retained
a green circle containing a white I
More information
A green circle with a white camera icon
Artist's sketches

The Ridge

Alt text for image

The Ridge is an important bridge between Ancoats and New Islington and Sport City and the Etihad Campus. It is characterised by the southern towpath and buildings lining the Ashton Canal. It invites a mix of uses within mid-rise buildings that complete the historic fabric and grain of the area. This could support the reuse of historic mill buildings, whilst also introducing new design that celebrates the heritage.

info Click on the map markers to view key features and to see the artist's sketches for this area.

Enhancements to the canal towpath and access to the waterfront create opportunities for all. The benefits from this improvement to the canal could allow for increased building density.

Map Key

Translucent green square with dashed green outline
The Ridge area boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A 3D building block
Proposed layout including buildings to be retained
a green circle containing a white I
More information
A green circle with a white camera icon
Artist's sketches

The Terraces

Alt text for image

The Terraces emerge from the transition between the Lower Medlock and the Ashton Canal. This area is an opportunity to deliver a compact, tight-knit fabric of low-rise townhouses. These would blend living and working and address the need for family housing in proximity to the City Centre.

info Click on the map markers to view key features and to see the artist's sketches for this area.

The low-rise buildings in the Terraces encourages innovative construction methods and material. These could include timber-led construction, to support a low carbon neighbourhood.

Running through the Terraces is the Play Link, a one-kilometre car-free route. It would safely connect St Anne's Primary School and Parkview Community School. A clear and inviting connection to Miles Platting would be created.

Map Key

Translucent green square with dashed green outline
The Terraces area boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A 3D building block
Proposed layout including buildings to be retained
a green circle containing a white I
More information
A green circle with a white camera icon
Artist's sketches

The Embankment

Alt text for image

The Embankment occupies the site of the former Holt Town Reservoir. It would define the transition between the Valley and the Terraces. A memorable and inviting arrival space opposite the Holt Town Metrolink station could be created.

info Click on the map markers to view key features and to see the artist's sketches for this area.

Another possibility is to site a new cultural and community venue. Or an enhanced area of open space could be created. Further east, mid- to higher rise buildings could step up towards Confluence Park.

Map Key

Translucent green square with dashed green outline
The Embankment area boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A 3D building block
Proposed layout including buildings to be retained
a green circle containing a white I
More information
A green circle with a white camera icon
Artist's sketches

The Valley

Alt Text for image

The Valley forms a unique opportunity to enhance and reinvent the landscape adjoining the River Medlock. It can deliver an ecological and recreational link between the City Centre and Sport City and the Etihad Campus. The floodplain requires careful regard for any development in this area.

info Click on the map markers to view key features and to see the artist's sketches for this area.

Two clusters of tall buildings would balance with upgrades to the river corridor. These would improve biodiversity, recreation, and play.

The culmination of this area will be at Confluence Park. The enhanced park setting would form the basis for a single landmark tower of up to thirty-five storeys. This would have a destination play and recreation space at its base.

Map Key

Translucent green square with dashed green outline
The Valley area boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A 3D building block
Proposed layout including buildings to be retained
a green circle containing a white I
More information
A green circle with a white camera icon
Artist's sketches

Emerging Illustrative Framework

The indicative illustrative framework shown here presents one way Holt Town could look. This follows the design principles that the draft NDF sets out.

info Scroll to the next section to give us your views.

Map Key

Translucent green square with solid green outline
Holt Town NDF Boundary
A black and white dash line
Railway tracks
Metrolink tracks
A yellow square with a black tram
Metrolink stations
A 3D building block
Proposed layout including buildings to be retained

Give us your thoughts

Thank you for taking the time to read more about our plans for Holt Town. We would love to hear from you.

info Click on the button below to give us your views.

This consultation will close on Sunday 29th September 2024.

Next steps...
The project team are hosting in-person events during the formal consultation period. These events are free to attend and there is no need to book a place in advance. To find out more about these events and where they will be held,
please click here.

If you can't attend an in-person event, but would still like to take part, please reach out to us and we can arrange an alternative. You can email us at

Read the draft NDF in full
You may wish to learn even more detail about the draft NDF, having read through this website. If you would like to read the document in full,
you can do so by clicking here. Please note, this link opens a new browser tab.

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Holt Town, Wood Town

brought to you by:

Studio Egret West's logo Deloitte's logo MVRDV's logo Turley's logo Hatch's logo Hilson Moran's logo AKT IIs logo
Studio Egret West's logo Deloitte's logo MVRDV's logo Turley's logo Hatch's logo Hilson Moran's logo AKT IIs logo

An Engaged Space community engagement presented by Deetu, on behalf of Manchester City Council (MCC) Powered by Deetu.

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